
Offering Students Voice & Choice in Mathematics - Sarah Dallum

Teacher Sarah Dallum, fourth grade teacher at Poplar Bridge, combines culturally responsive teaching with best practices in math instruction by offering students voice and choice. Using best practices and Talk Moves, Sarah creates a rich learning community where her students are empowered to share their voices and make choices about their learning, resulting in effective, engaging math instruction that is accessible for each student. Instructional Strategies  Talk Moves in Action Each day, a designated student performs the role of Math Lead. The student Math Lead launches peers into math instruction and leads the opening Number Sense Routine to begin addressing learning targets. Sarah sits to the side and allows her student Math Lead to facilitate the learning discussion for the day’s Number Sense Routine, “Which one doesn’t belong?” First, students have one minute of quiet think time; they are encouraged to show a thumbs-up by their hearts when ready, rather than rai...

Promoting Creative Expression - Elementary Art Teachers

Design Thinking in the Elementary Classroom - 2nd Grade Indian Mounds

Building Strong Relationships - Matt McDonell

Student Centered Teaching Through Co-Teaching - Jefferson High School

Enhancing Book Talks with WeVideo - 5th Grade Westwood

Creating a Community of Scientists - Susan Buettgen

Student Engaged in Computer Science Immersion - Poplar Bridge Grade 4

Connecting to Students through Music - Ray Cannon

Igniting Student Creativity - Lee Nelson

Learning Beyond the Walls of the Classroom - Steph MacPhail

Creative Problem Solvers - Ashly Tritch

Social Emotional Learning: Empowering Students through Music - Sarah Kyalo