Whitney Determan is a first grade teacher at Indian Mounds Elementary School. If you walk into Whitney’s classroom of 24 first graders, you will see joy, excitement, movement, flexible seating, and students who love to learn.Teaching Strategy
Whitney utilizes a station rotation model in her math block that allows her students to cycle through multiple learning experiences around the standard of the day. Examples of stations include: small group instruction, math game with a partner, creation on the iPad, paper-pencil activity, small-group intervention, math choice menu, etc.Breaking up her math block into multiple stations allows Whitney to differentiate her instruction and meet with small groups of students. Student benefits include: smaller teacher to student ratio, choice and opportunity for multiple learning styles, scheduled movement, peer collaboration, and pride and ownership of learning.
Whitney uses Seesaw to keep students accountable at each station. Some students complete an activity sent to them while other students capture their hands-on work with the iPad camera. At the end of each round (rotation), students come back together as a whole group to view the learning artifacts they have submitted in Seesaw. This is a time for students to talk about math and explain their thinking.
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